January 23, 2010

Johnnie's Poem- Alden Nowlan

This poem delivers a very important message. It states that anybody, no matter how big or small, how intelligent or not, how rich or poor, can write poetry. All it takes is imagination, and passion. I agree with this message. Although some write poetry better than others, everybody has the ability. Some love writing poetry, others not so much. I am one of the others. Even though I dislike writing poetry, I can. I believe that poetry is one of the simplest concepts there are to writing; it's not complicated, there aren't many rules, and anybody can do it. You just have to have imagination, and passion as i said before. Just write about what you feel deepest and hardest, as the poem says.

January 4, 2010

Cue for Treason

I actually really enjoyed this book. I had trouble connecting with it and getting started, but once I did, it was good. The concept of this book was really unique. It really made me think more about Shakespearean England, and also about civil rights. It really made me curious about women' rights back then. The fact that Kit was herself and pursued her own ideas and hobbies no matter what really inspired me. She wanted to act and she knew she wasn't allowed. So she did something about it. She changed the face of acting. By being who she was, she inspired other women to stand up as well. I'm sure she is the inspiration for today's society with acting- where it mostly is women now. Peter is also an inspiring fellow. He ran into so many troubles along the way but he never gave up. He could have hidden the whole time but that wouldn't have made him a hero, now would it? He risked his life multiple times to save others'. He was able to read between the lines and solve the mystery. After finishing the story, I was still wondering exactly what happened to Tom Boyd. It was hinted that he was killed, but it would have been nice to know what happened exactly, and whether he was killed or not. Also, i was confused as to why they wanted to kill the Queen, and i wondered how they got the actor to help them. Overall, it was a good book and it taught me a lot.

Growing up Online

I round this video really shocking. I'll admit that I use the computer to communicate with friends and family members who live far away. I've heard of things like this happening but it has never been more real to me. I dont feel like anything like this will happen to me. Poeple have said mean things to me over the internet but I know that it is just because they are too afriad to say it to my face. I am very careful on the internet. I only have friends that I personally know. I do not accept anyone that I don't know and I have a very high security setting. Barely any people know my passwords so it's almost impossible for me to be hacked. This video made me really think and it made me more aware of what goes on in this crazy world we live in.