September 14, 2009

Grade 9 !

Today, we listened to the song 'Grade 9' by Barenaked Ladies. The song kinda of reminded me of OUR first week of school. In the song, they mention noticing how everyone is bigger then you. It's true, they are. You feel like an ant, in a crowd of people. Everyone is taller than you, smarter than you, and bigger than you. I started my day, waking up early. Ugh, welcome back to school-GET UP AT 6! I got all ready, and headed to my bus stop. Its a good thing I'm an early person, because my bus showed up 10 minutes early. Luckily, I know almost everyone at my bus stop, so theres always someone to sit with. We arrived at school really early. It was about 7:45, and in my opinion, no one should be at school THAT early. I managed to open my lock, and find my friends, all before our classes started. Luckily, most of us have not experienced the initiations yet. And are not being called many names. We are just looked at as the 'Minor Niners', as they say in the song. The bottom of the tower again. Everyone was a little freaked out when the warning music came on. As it was a really weird remix of Michael Jackson's THRILLER. I walked into my gym class, and was instantly relieved. I knew about 50 % of the girls in my gym class.. I survived my first class, and made my way to my second. I discovered some pretty neat facts about people in my strings class. Before I knew it, class had passed, lunch had passed, and I was sitting in my 3rd period english class. I knew even more people in this class, and I was glad. We actually had a lot of fun the first day. Soon enough, french was over aswell, and I was headed for my bus. I managed to find my bus, and made it home quickly. And then came the homework. There wasn't much, and it was pretty simple. But come on, it was the FIRST day. Overall, it was a pretty great day. I'll admit it, going into high school on the first day, I was a little scared. Realizing that everyone around me was in the same position, relieved my stress. Today was my 5th day at IDCI. I've already learned many lessons. Don't leave your friends hanging. ASK FOR HELP! Never stand in the middle of the hallway. Don't hang out in the french wing, it's CROWEEEED! Trust your friends, and peers. Know that your true friends will stuck with you through anything. Have a little fun every once and a while. And most importantly, believe in yourself.

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