October 7, 2009

Pretty Things # 6 !

Questions 6, and 12.

They say every story has a happy ending right? I am not sure this will happen in this book. The way things are going right now, it doesn't look like it. Some possible unhappy endings could be that the play gets cancelled, because Walker doesn't show up. But there could also be the complete opposite. Hopefully this story will end happily. Maybe Walker will completely make a turn around, and show up. Maybe everyone will be GREAT at the opening play. All we can do is hope.
If I could be ANYONE in this text, I would probably choose to be Lavinia. She is the director of the play. I think I would be able to fit this position, because I thrive best when I am able to make my own decisions, and lead! I have always been the leader type of person. It's almost like an automatic reaction for me to take control of everything, which can also get me in trouble. Lavinia is also great at advice, which I also am. Lavinia can connect with her students very easily. I also can connect easily with others' confusions, etc. There is not much more information about Lavinia in this story, but I think that if there was, I would be a lot more like her.

Only 2 more sections to go!

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