October 5, 2009

Pretty Things # 5 !

oh hello followers (:

Questions 4, 5 and 15.

I am well over halfway through my novel at the moment. This book is turning out to be quite interesting, in fact. I have discovered that the Sarra Manning (the author) seems to have an opinion on sexuality. In her novel, she treats everyone equally. Daisy and Charlie are not put down, or excluded because of their lifestyle choices. I agree with her opinion. Nobody should feel unsafe, or insecure because of the person that they are. Those people who AREN'T satisfied with others's sexuality need to accept it. I believe that it is your life, your choice. It should only matter who you are as a person, and if they can't accept that, then they really aren't your true friends.
I expected this book to have a lot more drama. So far, there has not really been a HUGE problem. The characters do not get along, but thats pretty much it. Hopefully there will be a bigger problem which causes everyone to get along, or get to know eachother better, at least.
I am not sure whether I would recommend this book to anyone thus far. The book has taught me a lot about equality and true friendship, but it has not been a very exciting book. This book could have been a lot better if there had been a bigger problem. Such as, the group having to save the play, or even standing up for eachother in a certain situation.
I shall go finish this book, and I will be back with my response in a few days.


  1. Wow. I totally love you for that little bit you just said. You are amazing!
