October 2, 2009

Pretty Things # 4!

Questions 8, 10, 11.

My favourite character in this novel is probably Daisy. Although she can be mean at times, I really admire that she is not afraid to stand up for herself. She doesn't let anyone bother her about her sexuality. This is something I admire because sometimes it's hard for me to say my feelings, or stick up for myself.
My least favourite character is probably Walker. He seems like a jerk at times. He sometimes says too much, and hurts people. (example: telling Brie to piss off.) He is really quick to judge people and he takes them forgranted. He can be sexist aswell at times.
I know someone who reminds me of Brie. They are alike because they are both partially insecure in their lives. Brie and my friend both have trouble accepting their bodies and are taken forgranted. I find it sad. Also, they both are dramatic.

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