November 6, 2009

Take Your Kid to Work Day- at VMS! :)

For 'Take Your Kid to Work Day' I went to VMS. I could have had the chance to shadow my mom, dad or sister, but i didn't not want to. For my mom, her job is too easy. She works at Home Hardware, and I wasn't interested in that. For my father, I wasn't really interested in working at a cement factory either. My sister sells auto insurance for the Co-operators. Although this IS something I am interested in, the only I could have done all day is filing, because I haven't had any training. Instead of these options, I job-shadowed my former teacher, Paula Weese in her Grade 1/2 classroom. It was a big change, because when Miss Weese taught me, I was in grade 8. It was crazy to see the difference in her teaching. I had a great day, of singing, games, and helping. It was also a big change for me, because she has some students that are developmentally challenged. I worked with some of these students one-on-one playing games to improve their letter sounds, and spelling. We also arranged the alphabet different ways. My day was thoroughly entertaining and valuable. Growing up, I have been around kids a lot, but being able to teach them was a great experience. I also had the chance to teach a Grade 8 Music class, where we worked on bowing, and fingering techniques, and learned to play Ode to Joy. Luckily, I was working with a few other Grade 9 students that I knew, so it was easier for me. The class was very out of control, but we managed to get SOME work done. I think if I was to go teaching, I would teach a lower grade class. Although I would like the connection I could have with older students, it would be complicated. I would not want to deal with their immaturity. I think 'Take Your Kid to Work Day' is a great experience. Students get the chance to work in one field for a day, and see whether it suits you. I think it should be a program for all grades, each on a different day. This would give students a chance to attend several different workplaces, and test their skills IN that program. I absolutely loved 'Take Your Kid to Work Day.' I am so thankful that I got this chance, and that I WAS able to attend, unlike some students.

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