November 6, 2009

This is me at the MID- POINT of Grade 9!

It has been a CRAZY start to the year. Sometimes, I still find myself adapting to high school. I love it.

If I were to say anything to future Minor Niners, I would start by saying - don't be afraid to ask for help. You will make it a lot farther, and your life will be a LOT easier if you just simply ask. There are going to be people that tell you that the older kids are mean, scary, and won't help you. This isn't the truth. There are many people that want to help you. Everyone's really good about it. Also ask your teachers for help. They want you to ask. Their job is to answer your questions, and make sure you completely understand things. Another thing is - JUST BE YOURSELF! You are going to meet many new people. Don't become someone that you're not. Stay true to your friends and stay true to yourself! Those that are your true friends will stand by you no matter what happens, and the ones that dont, they aren't worth your time. Girls- Do not let a guy get in the way of your friendships with your girls. Your friends are the ones that will always be beside you, no matter what. Everyone- join as many teams/clubs as possible. You'll meet a lot of new people that are like you, and have a lot of fun aswell. DO NOT BLOCK THE HALLWAYS! The older kids hate this, and will be extremely mad at you. The teachers are not too fond of it either. This is one of the most important things. Stay to the sides, please! And don't be afraid to talk to older students. Don't be immature. Be serious. These are the 4 best years of your life. Have fun, but don't have so much fun, that you forget what your focus is. ENJOY THESE 4 YEARS!

Most of all, remember that everyone is in the same boat. You're not in this alone. Everyone has gone through this at one time or another. Right now is your turn, embrace it.

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