October 20, 2009

Most Dangerous Game.

This story is majorly disturbing. :
Not only is it about hunting, which discusts me, but it's about hunting humans. This is just inhuman, it is murder! General Zaroff thinks he is such a great man, because he's an amazing hunter. Which is really not true, because he is a murderer. It is totally not fair what he puts these innocent victims through. He says he treats them well, but I'm sure their food supplies, and guns aren't sufficient. This is completely not fair. General Zaroff should be arrested for holding hostage, and murder. I'm sure there are many other things we could charge him for, but those are a few. He is a criminal, and should be put in jail.

--just my opinion.

a knights tale.

In the past week, we have been watching A Knights Tale in English class. It has been quite the interesting story. I can not say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am not a huge fan of 'Knight-in-Shining-Armour' movies. I do not know why, they are just not my first preference. This movie was not THAT bad though. It kind of had a twist. I enjoyed that it wasn't JUST about jousting, that it had a love story twist to it. Also, I loved that the story was practically all an internal struggle for the main character. He had to choose to be the man that he was. And he had to prove himself, and fight for his rights.

It sure says a lot about today's society. Maybe if we all fought for ourselves and what we believe is right, this world would be a better place.

October 10, 2009

Pretty Things # 8 !

Surprisingly, this story did NOT end how I had imagined.

I figured that the story would end badly. Walker would leave the show, Brie would be upset, Daisy would not be together with Claire, and Charlie would be left by himself. In reality, Walker came back to the show, Brie got her best friend back, Daisy did not end up with Claire, but she was with Walker instead, and Charlie finally got his fairytale. If I were to change anything about this book, it would probably be that it was sort of confusing to read. I think if the story had all been told from one point of view, such as Lavinia, it would have been easier to understand. While I was reading, I got easily confused. At times, I forgot which point of view I was reading. There was really no distinction between the characters. It was hard to understand who you were reading about. Overall, this was a good book, despite the confusion. I would recommend this story to anyone who is looking to find themselves. It can teach you a lot about how to live your life with no regrets.

Live your life for yourself, and don't let anyone stop you!

Pretty Things # 7 !

8. What would you say to _______?

If I could say anything to anyone in this book, I would have a LOT to say to Walker. First of all, i would start with how disrespectful he is to girls, and how he treats them like meat. It is very rude of him to say the things he does. I would also include how proud I am of him because he DID change. I wuold say that it was great of him to come back to the play, and to treat Daisy well. I would also have a lot to say to Brie. I would start with how low she is. She overreacts about the silliest things, and needs to stop. Hopefully, by the end of the book, she has changed and learned a lot.

October 7, 2009

Pretty Things # 6 !

Questions 6, and 12.

They say every story has a happy ending right? I am not sure this will happen in this book. The way things are going right now, it doesn't look like it. Some possible unhappy endings could be that the play gets cancelled, because Walker doesn't show up. But there could also be the complete opposite. Hopefully this story will end happily. Maybe Walker will completely make a turn around, and show up. Maybe everyone will be GREAT at the opening play. All we can do is hope.
If I could be ANYONE in this text, I would probably choose to be Lavinia. She is the director of the play. I think I would be able to fit this position, because I thrive best when I am able to make my own decisions, and lead! I have always been the leader type of person. It's almost like an automatic reaction for me to take control of everything, which can also get me in trouble. Lavinia is also great at advice, which I also am. Lavinia can connect with her students very easily. I also can connect easily with others' confusions, etc. There is not much more information about Lavinia in this story, but I think that if there was, I would be a lot more like her.

Only 2 more sections to go!

October 5, 2009

Pretty Things # 5 !

oh hello followers (:

Questions 4, 5 and 15.

I am well over halfway through my novel at the moment. This book is turning out to be quite interesting, in fact. I have discovered that the Sarra Manning (the author) seems to have an opinion on sexuality. In her novel, she treats everyone equally. Daisy and Charlie are not put down, or excluded because of their lifestyle choices. I agree with her opinion. Nobody should feel unsafe, or insecure because of the person that they are. Those people who AREN'T satisfied with others's sexuality need to accept it. I believe that it is your life, your choice. It should only matter who you are as a person, and if they can't accept that, then they really aren't your true friends.
I expected this book to have a lot more drama. So far, there has not really been a HUGE problem. The characters do not get along, but thats pretty much it. Hopefully there will be a bigger problem which causes everyone to get along, or get to know eachother better, at least.
I am not sure whether I would recommend this book to anyone thus far. The book has taught me a lot about equality and true friendship, but it has not been a very exciting book. This book could have been a lot better if there had been a bigger problem. Such as, the group having to save the play, or even standing up for eachother in a certain situation.
I shall go finish this book, and I will be back with my response in a few days.

October 2, 2009

Pretty Things # 4!

Questions 8, 10, 11.

My favourite character in this novel is probably Daisy. Although she can be mean at times, I really admire that she is not afraid to stand up for herself. She doesn't let anyone bother her about her sexuality. This is something I admire because sometimes it's hard for me to say my feelings, or stick up for myself.
My least favourite character is probably Walker. He seems like a jerk at times. He sometimes says too much, and hurts people. (example: telling Brie to piss off.) He is really quick to judge people and he takes them forgranted. He can be sexist aswell at times.
I know someone who reminds me of Brie. They are alike because they are both partially insecure in their lives. Brie and my friend both have trouble accepting their bodies and are taken forgranted. I find it sad. Also, they both are dramatic.